About Backroads of the Heart

The story follows a career-focused young woman who receives an unexpected inheritance from a favorite uncle—a horse farm in rural Tennessee. The nine-hundred-plus acres, historic home, horses, goats and staff come with a price. She must stay there a year to inherit. If she misses even one night, the deal is off.

She’s welcomed by peculiar, lovable townspeople but a resentful cousin schemes against her.

I’m excited for you to read my novel! How and when this book will be published is TBA (to be announced). I look forward to updating you on the journey to publication. Check back soon or join my email list for updates.

Reader Comments

“This is a coming of age story, and a love story as well. Just not the usual one where she falls in love with the guy, but rather the place—the farm is a character in itself, and the white horse, Tazma, is a tangible flesh and blood connection to Charlsie’s time there.”

— Elizabeth J.

“Love the endearing cast and quirky characters. Who wouldn’t want to live where there’s a coffee shack and writers night with great songs, and a Wok N Roll restaurant with free fortune telling? I enjoyed everyone from Lila bringing the daily gossip to Olene the serial bride with a pet pig. And, of course, every town should have a haunted BnB.”

— Nancy R.

“The animals keep Charlsie on her toes. The story moves at a good pace which made me not want to put it down.”

— Joan A.

“A simple, unfussy read.”

— Caroline R.

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